Different Levels of Damping
Yield Different Solution Behavior
and Give Different Decay Rates
Fix the mass and the spring;
i.e., let mass \(m\) and the spring constant \(k\) be fixed.
For different values of the damping coefficient \(\gamma\),
the resulting vibrations will behave differently, in particular, will have different decay rates.
In the following, fix \(m=\frac{1}{2},k=8\),
and consider different values of \(\gamma\).
An Animation of Vibrations for Different Damping Coefficients
The mass and the spring constant are fixed:
The values of the damping coefficients are: \(\gamma=0,1,4,7\).
Type of Damping
Solution Behavior
No damping
\mbox{Purely imaginary:}\\[0.5ex]
\lambda_{1,2}=\pm i \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}